Shaman Fight in Tokyo
Arc này trải dài trong 6 Tập và 54 Hồi.
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Danh mục các Arc khác có thể bạn quan tâm
- JJBA - Golden Wind - Sleeping Slaves
- Phantom Blood
New America City
Arc Series Dr. STONE
Naruto - The Shinobi That Lives in the Darkness
Arc Series NARUTO
- JJBA - Diamond is Ubreakable - Yoshikage Kira's New Situation
Ranma 1/2 - Violence of Cooking
Arc Series Ranma ½
- JJBA - Stardust Crusaders - Justice
- JJBA - Diamond is Ubreakable - Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable
Uta’s Past
Arc Series One Piece
- Rehabilitation Training
- JJBA - Stardust Crusaders - DIO's World
- Internal Investigation
Wano Country
Arc Series One Piece
- UU - Language
- Magi - Sinbad - Artemyra
Ranma 1/2 - Akane's Swimming Lessons - Principal Kuno
Arc Series Ranma ½
- Post-Kingdom Infiltration
Riful of the West
Arc Series Claymore
- Demon King
- JJBA - Golden Wind - Notorious B.I.G